
"To you who answered the call of your country and served in its Armed Forces to bring about the total defeat of the enemy, I extend the heartfelt thanks of a grateful Nation. As one of the Nation's finest, you undertook the most severe task one can be called upon to perform. Because you demonstrated the fortitude, resourcefullness and calm judgement necessary to carry out that task, we now look to you for leadership and example in further exalting our country in peace." ~ Harry Truman ~

Dedicated to the Loving Memory of
Mack L. Roye, Lewis Davidson, & Don Seger



Request form for WWII to present military records

To request records for anyone serving from WW1 to present, download request form below. It can be mailed in, faxed in or submtted online.

Click here Download Form





02.04.2025 -

Hello Dave,

My Maternal Great Grandfather served on the USS Idaho in 1920. Attached is a copy of his Honorable Discharge papers. It is our understanding that he had a medical discharge based on the time spent at Mare Island Naval Hospital, and some family recollections. He grew up in an Army family in New Mexico (one newspaper article lists him as a Private in the NG in 1903). There is a ton of missing information about him after his USN discharge, though he was interred at the National Cemetery in Santa Fe in 1953.

Many thanks for maintaining this history.

Steve Schwarzer


02-26-2023 - USS Idaho Crew, Roger Olivette, S1C

Hello David,

My father, Roger Olivette, served on the Idaho from 1942-45,Seaman 1st class.

Thanks, Tony Olivette

01-17-2017 - USS Idaho Crew Member, James Fife, Jr.
Good morning Dave,

My great-grandfather was James Fife, Jr. According to his Oral History Reminisces, he served aboard the USS Idaho for about a year from May 1930 until some time in mid-1931. During that time, he shared a story about being the back-up navigator who had to fill in at the last minute during a long range battle practice that won the USS Idaho that year's battleship battle efficiency competition over the USS New Mexico, who had won the previous 2 or 3 years competitions. This story is told on pages 48-51. At the time, the captains of the USS Idaho and New Mexico were Henry Lake Wyman and Adolphus Eugene Watson, respectively.

Please update your Crew List page to reflect the years the then Lt Cmdr Fife served on the USS Idaho. Thank you, Andy Prior

[Read More]

01-08-2024 - USS Idaho Crew Member Richard Warren Akeley (USMC)

Hello David,

I am editing a diary of the mother of a Marine Captain, Richard Warren Akeley. The diary states that he was on the USS Idaho for three years and that his roommate was William Klein (who you have listed on the www.ussidaho.com crew listing). Please also list Richard, thank you!

Richard Warren Akeley (USMC), born 31 Jul 1918, died 20 Oct 1975.

04-26-2023 - USS Idaho Crew Member Charlie (C.C) Keys MM-1


My wonderful father was in the group photo with his fellow machinists for the Cruise Book, but the attached pre-war era colorized portrait is more fitting. He died at 60, but he would have currently been 100. He went by Charlie (or C.C.) Keys, and got his MM-1 certificate after the war.

I came up on your roster while researching the USS Idaho for my eBay listings of his cruise Book, ship photos and other items I'm letting go of (my children don't remember him and show no interest in his things). I've kept a few personal documents and photos, of course.

Thank you for your care and concern for historical treasure, and God bless you.

- Kay M. Keys Sams -

Charlie (C.C) Keys, MM-1

01-24-2023 - USS Idaho Crew member John Phillips Campbell


My name is Tim Campbell. I would hope you could add my Dad's name to the service man roster of the USS Idaho BB-42.

John Phillips Campbell
Storekeeper Third Class SV-6 USNR

Date of entry into active service 2-5-43
Rate AS S2c. S1c SK3c

Thank You
Tim Campbell

John Phillips Campbell, SK3c


11.19.2022 - USS Idaho Crew member Claude Robinson Aviation Metalsmith 3rd Class
(Died at see April 21, 1943)

Claude Robinson(Aviation Metalsmith 3rd Class
(Died at see April 21, 1943)

06.27.2022 - USS Idaho Officer Dick Ashbridge

Hello, I saw your message on ussidaho.com
My grandfather Dick Ashbridge ENS who served on the BB42 in 1945-1946 as an officer of the Fire Control Division. He is still living and lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. I copied him on this email. If there are any videos of the new Idaho or the old Idaho, they would be much appreciated. Also if there is an email list or any reunion events coming up, any invites or connections would be much appreciated.
Thank you and have a nice day!

~ Mitzi Goebel ~



05.21.2021 - SSN-799 Newsletter Download

12.25.2021 - Article from Maurice Quillen

I came across an old book on magnetic compasses. This document was folded in half inside the book.

Interesting memo on seamanship from the captain to his crew dated 1/10/24.

I'm grandson of WWII Naval vet who served on the APD USS Schley so I understand how important finding little tidbits of history like this are and I wanted the image to find it's way back to the ship.

Happy Holiday


08.23.2021 - P.H. Peterson - USS Idaho Crew List

Dear Dave,
My father served aboard the USS Idaho during WWII as a S1c signalman. He’s deceased now (1/22/1991) so my information is based on some memories of him talking about “Big Spud”, some research and his album. As best that I can determine from researching records, he served from June to November 1945 and was then transferred to the USS Missouri. I’ve attached some documents indicating his service at that time. I’ve also attached a copy of the church program for August 12, 1945 that I thought others might find interesting.

Please let me know if you need additional information about his service and thank you for the work that you do to maintain this wonderful website.

Phillip Peterson

08.03.2021 - USS Idaho crew (Walter Bryant Augustine)

Dear Dave,
I have been researching my father's naval records from WWII, and just verified he served on the USS Idaho from January 1944 to Mid April 1945. We located the USS Idaho memorial book that is in a number of the pictures on the website and on the Facebook page. On the website, I found one picture: The Fox division, Mack Roye's Album 3. He is in the upper right, 3rd row down, 2nd man from the right, with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. Boy do I remember that look! His name was Walter Bryant Augustine. He died in 2003. Trying to find more artifacts that I can share with you. Is it possible to add him to the crew list? Two pictures attached.

Thank you,
Betsy Hester

06.28-0.21 - Journal of Ken Phillippi - Yeoman Third Class V6 USNR (SV)- 8/9/44 to 7/22/46

Hello Dave,

My father served aboard the USS Idaho during WWII and a gunners mate. As I understand it, the Captain heard that he could type so he was ordered to the bridge to type messages. Anyhow, Dad typed a journal of his experiences and I wonder if you'd like a copy? It is 10 pages long and very well written and I'd be pleased to forward a copy to you if you'd like. [READ JOURNAL]

Colin Phillippi

05.20.2021 - Passing of Ralph F. Bornhorst

David, Good morning.

I have some unfortunate news today. My father Ralph past away this morning ...99 years and 3 months old. He past peacefully and I will cherish the many years with him and the numerous USS Idaho stories!

I will send a more formal information when we get things together .. take care.

Joe Bornhorst

[Read Obituary]



Per our previous chat, see attached a link for Ralph’s obituary. I also added a few photos that tell the story of his life .. we loved him dearly and always cherished his zest for life and and listening to his numerous stories of life as a sailor on the USS Idaho!

I am planning on attending the christening of the SSN Idaho submarine, if that is permitted, so please forward any information you may have when that event occurs.

Take care and I am grateful for all the work you have done for the sailors of the The Big Spud.

God bless you, America, and the crew of the USS Idaho!

Joe Bornhorst

02.10.2021 - Colburn Swarthout

I found these pictures going through my grandfather's scrapbook. His name was Colburn Swarthout. He was a BMC when he left the ship. I'm not sure of the years but can find that information if you need it.

My grandfather passed away in 2017 at the ripe age of 97 and is entombed at Arlington. Grandpa had dementia but always contained fond memories of his life aboard the Idaho.

Stormy Stuart

01.12.2021 - Photo Album of Crew Member, Edward Healey

Hello Dave.
Here are the pics I mentioned that my Grandmother had kept in that scrapbook (of Edward Healey).

There were too many of my Dad, so I just am sending generic ones. He must have sent her postcards as the Idaho traveled throughout the seas.

I think what you have done to keep the memory of the Idaho's memory alive is quite extraordinary and I really think it's great - So thank you - My dad would be so proud.

Eileen Schmitt (Edward Healey's daughter)

Edward Healey - S1c
USS Idaho 1943 to 1945

01.11.2021 - USS Idaho Crew Member, Robert Charles Thilo

My father-in-law served on the USS Idaho during WW II but I don’t see his name on the list of crew members. His name is Robert C. Thilo, and he was from Sioux City, Iowa. He died in 1991, and I’m not sure what we need to do to prove that he served on the USS Idaho. His best friend Frank Post's name appears on the crew list. Bob Thilo also trained at Farragut.

I have attached a copy of a framed photo with certificates that we proudly hang in our home as some measure of proof. He also received the attached commemorative certificate which we found among family keepsakes. Will either of these attachments be helpful to add his name to the crew list?

We will keep looking for additional documentation.

Thanks for your help!
Sue Thilo

G. PIERCE SP.A2/C CO. CMDR - SEPT 29, 1944

Robert C. Thilo
Navy Training Course Certificate May 1945

Robert C. Thilo
Navy Training Course Certificate Oct 1945



09.01.2020 - Article: LTJG William Gardner by JOHN O'CONNELL (joconnell@journalnet.com)

Senior Chief Machinist's Mate David Drury, front, stands Tuesday by the USS Nautilus, which was the first nuclear-powered submarine ever made. Drury, of Kooskia, prolonged his retirement for the chance to serve on a submarine named after his home state.


100-year-old sailor who served on previous USS Idaho reaches out to crew of future submarine. by JOHN O'CONNELL

LTJG William Gardner was in Tokyo Bay aboard the USS Idaho — a battleship nicknamed the "Queen of the Navy" — to witness Victory Over Japan Day on Aug. 15, 1945.

In addition to having a front-row seat for the ending of World War II, Gardner designed the desalinization plant for the world's first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, and was part of its first sea trial.

The accomplished 100-year-old sailor, who lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, sent a letter wishing good fortunes to the next crew that will man a vessel to be named USS Idaho. The meaningful letter arrived on Aug. 24, the day of a symbolic keel laying ceremony for the U.S. Navy's future fast-attack nuclear submarine. It will be the fifth boat in the history of the nation's fleet to honor the Gem State.



Dedicated in Honor of Surviving Crew Members of the USS Idaho (B42):

William Gardner LTLG of Raleigh, NC - Age 100

Ralph F. Bornhorst F1c, of Sidney, Ohio. Age 98

Robert J. Diana EM1c of Georgia - Age 98

Samuel Funkner S1c(QM of Hanover PA - Age 94

Joe & Father Ralph F. Bornhorst (USS Idaho B-42 - 1945-1946)

Amy Diaine Scott and father, Robert J. Diana EM2C (USS Idaho B-42 - 1944-1946)




Richard Fife, LCDR USN (Ret)
Vice Chairman, USS IDAHO
Commissioning Foundation

Are any known crew members of BB42 still living?

If there are, can you assist with identification and location of those men? The Commissioning Committee would like to make mention of these service men at the laydown ceremony.

Monday August 24 at 10:00 am (ET) General Dynamics - Electric Boat Shipyard will conduct the laydown ceremony starting construction of USS IDAHO SSN-799.
The Commissioning Foundation's press release is attached for your information.
We will pursue recognition for all crewmen of BB42 and special announcement of those crew members still living.

If at all possible please respond back to me by Sunday, Aug 23rd with email to: daveroye@hotmail.com

A live stream of the commissioning ceremony can be seen at:





08.30.2020 - Douglas (Frenchy) Deneau

My grandfather was on the USS Idaho BB-42 from 08/1941 through 1943. Please add him to your crewlist. This is a photo of him and 2 other gentleman. - Mickey

~ In Loving Memory ~

Read Obituary

Matthew S. Berletch Jr.
(USS Idaho B-42) S1c (1943-1945)

Dillonvale, Ohio -
Sep 3, 1927 – Oct 14, 2016

(Read Obituary)


08.23.2020 - William Lawrence Alexander

Dear Sir,

My grandfather served on the USS Idaho from either 1921-25 or 1922-26. His name was William Lawrence Alexander and he was an electrician. I have requested his service record, but have not heard back from the U.S. Navy yet. He named my Mother after a girl he met in Austrailia on the 1925 Pacific Cruise. If you could please include his name in the ceremony, It would mean a lot to me and my family.

If you have any additional information about my grandfather's time on the Big Spud, I would appreciate it. I have compiled a large collection of original photos of the ship, including a 52" panoramic from 1927 of the ship going through the Panama Canal.

Best Regards,

Alexander Sink


04.30.2020 - Pete Domenico Forner

Hi Dave,

My name is Peter Dominic Forner, Jr. the son of Pete Domenico Forner. My father is deceased (11/14/2005) so I’m acting on his behalf to request his name be entered on the USS Idaho Crewman’s list. He served on the USS Idaho from July 31, 1942 – January 10, 1945 as a sailor first class. I have attached some documents to verify his service and time on the USS Idaho.

Thank you for tending to the history of the USS Idaho and all your time and effort that I’m sure it takes… If you need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.


Peter D. Forner Jr.



03.13.2020 - Earl Albert Grigsby

Dear Sir,

I have been watching YouTube videos of WWII actions, especially those in the Pacific as my father, Earl Albert Grigsby, was on the USS Idaho from its time in support of sinking the Bismark to after Okinawa. My Dad joined the Navy before Pearl Harbor and trained at the Great Lakes Naval Station. I believe that he joined the Idaho after it was in the Atlantic. I do not recall much of his stories, but he always showed a book (long since missing) of photographs of the Idaho and her crew. I believe he served on one of the anti-aircraft guns. He described his job as "operator-director". I do not recall his mentioning action at Guadalcanal, but he did mention the Aleutians, the Marshalls, the Marianas, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Sometime before the end of the war, he was transferred to the mainland with the Shore Patrol riding the trains that delivered returning sailors to their homes.

I found your ship roster does not include my Dad, and wanted to add his name to your record.

Thank you very much for your work in helping to remember the many, often unnamed, people who defended our country.


Chuck Grigsby


~ God Bless the Crew of the USS Idaho ~

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