12.16.19 - George Edward Beck
Dear Dave:
are my Dad's discharge / separation papers, please note he was
in the crew of the Idaho, among others, not sure of the dates
of service aboard, but I do know he had the extra heavy insulated
canvas winter wear. We used them in the Virginia snow, all the
other kids went home frozen, we kept playing, guess that came
in handy when station was Aleutian Islands, best I could do
to narrow it down. My father passed in 1972, age 55. Unfortunately
we never talked of his war time experiences like many veterans
of that era. I would like to have him added to the roster if
appropriate. Thank you sincerely, please advise.
Highest regards,
12.12.19 - Seeking USS Idaho crew members for the recommissioning
of the new USS Idaho
My name is Richard Fife. I am a retired Lieutenant Commander
(submarines) and I reside in the rural community of Blaine County,
Idaho. I currently serve on the commissioning committee for
the new USS IDAHO, a submarine that is under construction at
the General Dynamics Shipyard in Groton, CT.
am very impressed with your website for the "Big Spud"
and have several questions.
you have any information relating to a Navy Officer James Fife
having served onboard the battleship most likely between WW1
and WW2? He was a Naval Academy graduate that served in submarines
before and during WW2.
you have any name and contact information on USS IDAHO crew
members that are still living? We would like to recognize these
veterans during the 2023 commissioning week for the new ship.
a Commissioning Committee we have plans to build a website in
support of the new ship and to a future USS IDAHO Association.
Would it be appropriate to link to two sites?
Please consider being a historical resource in support of the
Commissioning Committee or if you would prefer a member of the
Best Regards
Richard Fife
(208) 260-0364

Admiral James R. Fife, Jr. USN (1918 - 1955)

The Navy Department Library "United States at War"
by Fleet Admiral Earnest J. King

Mr. Roye,
In July, 2013,
I communicated with you that my father, Raymond Warden, died
on August 30, 2012, at the age of 90. He was forever proud of
his service in the US Navy, and especially to have had the privilege
of serving aboard the USS Idaho, BB-42. You expressed your sympathy,
and said that you would be glad to add Dad's picture and obituary
to the USS Idaho Tribute website. I apologize for the lateness
of my reply, but please find his picture attached to this email
and a copy of his obituary below.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for your kind
attention and condolences. I appreciate you adding my Dad to
the Idaho Tribute website. It means a great deal to me and my
Kind regards,

E. Warden Obituary
DERRY, NH - Raymond E. Warden, 90, of Derry, NH, died Thursday,
Aug. 30, 2012, in Parkland Medical Center.
Mr. Warden
was born in Neptune, N.J. on March 31, 1922, a son of the late
William L. and Mary E. (Stewart) Warden. He had resided in Derry
for the past 38 years, formerly living in Neptune, N.J. During
World War II, he served with the US Navy aboard the battleship
USS Idaho in the Pacific. Mr. Warden was a member of the American
Legion Lester Chase Post 9 in Derry, NH.
At the time
of his death, he was survived by his wife of 66 years, Edna
C. (Henry) Warden of Derry; two daughters, Mary Flint and her
husband, Bill, and Linda Warden-Burglund; four grandchildren,
Laura Pawlyk and her husband, Jay, Nancy Burglund, David Burglund
and his wife, Sheila, and Michael Burglund; four great-grandchildren,
Brianna, Julia, Daniel Raymond and Taylor; his sister-in-law,
Marie Henry; and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased
by three brothers, two sisters, and by his daughter, Jane Ellen.
He is buried in the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in
Boscawen, NH.

Dear Sir,
I am writing
to thank you for creating and maintaining the USS Idaho memorial
website for the crew. My paternal great uncle, Stephen Booth
McKinney was assigned as Captain of this great battleship in
1939, but he is not in your crew member list. Please see link
below for evidence:

There was
also life magazine article about him. Here is a link with his
picture walking the deck:

Please add him to your list.
Very Respectfully,
Joe Lacey
Hartselle, AL
Navy Captain Stephen Booth McKinney - USS Idaho 1939 to

Dear Sir,
My father Henry John Talsma served from 1944 to 1946 as
S1c.. He passed from this world on 3/4/2005 Thank you for
your service and the memorial page.
M. Moore
Edmond Spicer was my grandfather. I believe he was on
the Idaho from 12/31/20 to 06/30/24.
- Jack Edward Thomas

My father,
Jack Edward Thomas, served on the Idaho. I believe he
served on the Idaho between the years 1939 - 1943. I can
remember him telling about how the Idaho was in the North
Atlantic when Pearl Harbor was attacked.
I am
in the process of obtaining records from United States
Navy. If you have suggestions on how to obtain his service
record promptly, I would appreciate it very much.
Request form for WWII to
present military records
request records for anyone serving from WW1 to
present, download request form below. It can be
mailed in, faxed in or submitted online.
here download form

Hi Dave,
father was on the USS Idaho '42-45 he was a pro
fighter and trained some fighters while on the ship but
he couldnt fight because he was a pro he was also
a baker on the ship. He just passed away Jan 10 (2019)
at 94 yrs old. But going thru his stuff we came across
a diary of one of his buddies C H Bonner and we would
would like to contact the family so we can return this
diary. Do you think you can help? My fathers name was
Johnny M Dell'Italia or John...Thx

M Dell'Italia
was hoping to have my grandfather's name (LeRoy Perkins)
added to the Idaho crew roster. He served aboard the Idaho
from 1934-1941. I've attached a copy of his previous membership
card from the USS Idaho Association. Please let me know
if you need any additional information.
- USS Idaho crew member, Samuel Serfilippi
Hello Dave,
I was hoping
you could add my grandfather, Samuel Serfilippi, to the USS
Idaho Ship Roster on the memorial website. I have attached
a few documents and photos of relevance. The first is my grandfather's
separation papers from the Navy which shows his service on
the USS Idaho under item 24, Service (Vessels and Stations
Served On). I have included a photo of him from 1944 in uniform
as well as his Metalsmith 1st and 2nd Class emblems. Next
is a photo of his marriage to my grandmother taken on 5 Nov
1944 in Cohoes, NY, while he was on a brief leave.
The sailor all the way to the right in that photo was another
USS Idaho crewman, Peter Waz ... he was also from my grandfather's
hometown, Cohoes, and served as his best man for his wedding.
The last photo is one of my grandfather and an unknown sailor
taken on board the ship ... I included it in case you may
somehow know who the unidentified sailor is.
Please let me know if you need any further information or
documentation in order to add him. I appreciate your help.
Matthew Magin

Wedding - Nov 05, 1944
Waz, best man on the right was also on board the USS Idaho

10.19.2018 - Email
from Pat Matzke
My father spent
considerable time on the Idaho. John J. Matzke USMC.
He was on the
Idaho in Hawaii about 6 months before Pearl Harbor and they received
orders to head to the North Atlantic.
Pat Matzke
09.20.18 - Request
form for WWII to present military records
To request records
for anyone serving from WW1 to present, download request form below.
It can be mailed in, faxed in or submitted online.
here download form]
thanks to Wesley Braswell,for his kind offer to help with this.
09.15.18 - Email
from Joe Rein
My name is Joe
Rein and the attached picture was taken in 1919 in Philadelphia.
The 2 year old boy with the sailor suit and USS Idaho hat is my
father Joseph J Rein Jr. and his mother Caroline Rein.

Original Photo]
grandfather had been discharged from the Navy in 1918 after serving
4 years mostly in the Panama Canal Zone. He was a Chief Petty Officer
and ran a radio station there. Since the USS Idaho was commissioned
in 1919 perhaps with my grandfather being a Navy Veteran I'm thinking
they might have attended the ceremony and bought the hat there.
Just thought I'd
send you the picture after looking on the USS Idaho website.
Thanks for your
service(I was Army and my father in the picture retired as a Major
in the Army)
Joe Rein
09.15.18 - Email
from Wes Braswell
Good Afternoon,
My name is Wesley
Braswell. My Great Great Uncle Leon Lee Riggs Served on the USS
Idaho as a telegrapher from rougly May 1945 - decommissioning.
I would like to
contact William A Gardner if he is still living, and see if he remembers
my family member.
I would also like
to contact your patrons, that if they would like to request the
full records of any vets of the Idaho, the national archives center
in St. Louis has all those records available.
Look forward to
hearing from you.
Wes Braswell
Waterloo, IL.
08.18.18 - Email
in regard to Samuel Funkner
My mother-in-law
and step-father-in-law have been living in an independent living
cottage at Cross Keys Village Brethren Home near Hanover PA. We
recently have been going through elder care issues with them and
have been going through papers to get them straightened out. They
may be transitioning into a continuing care situation, but they
are fighting it tooth and nail, bless their hearts! Pop is 92 years
Yesterday we came
across Pop's separation papers from the Navy. He was in the Navy
from December 1943 (inducted) until April 1946. He was a S1c (QM).
Apart from tech school in San Diego, he served only on the USS Idaho.
His name on the
separation papers is Samuel Funkner. He now goes by Funner -- the
whole family apparently changed the name in 1946 to normalize it.
He was born in Oct 1925 -- he was inducted into the Navy six weeks
after his 18th birthday.
Pop has never
talked that much about his service in the Navy. If he ever mentioned
the name USS Idaho, I missed it. When I saw it on the separation
papers, I googled it and immediately came to your website and to
the facebook page. I want to thank you so much for organizing this.
it is a wonderful thing you do.
I printed out
the current crew list off the webpage and had my wife Ruella give
it to him when she went up to visit today. He perked up to hear
the name USS Idaho and when she asked him if he wants his name on
the crew list, he enthusiastically said "YES!"
We'll work on him and see if we can get him to tell us more about
his time on the Idaho. Any suggestions for questions we might ask
him would be appreciated. We'll try to get him to sit and look at
the pictures on the facebook page and see how he reacts. It's all
very emotional I'm sure.
Thanks again for
all you do,
John Barnes
Elkridge, Maryland
07.18.18 - Norman L. Lavielle

My name is Lewis
Dean Lavielle and I have always wished I had asked my father to
talk about his service in WW II before he died in 1959. Can your
website provide me with resources to find more information about
me fathers service in WW II?
01.01.18 - John C. Wynn

Good afternoon
My name is John
S. Dunlap, I am a grandson of John Carl Wynn who served on
the USS Idaho during WWII. I
have some info that may be helpful.
Rate: BM1c (T)
Enlisted 1/13/42 as USNR for three years and placed on active duty
Date reported to USS Idaho 2/25/42
Crossed Equator 11/15/43 bound south
1/12/45 - Enlistment normally would have expired this date. Is extended
for a period of not longer than six month (6) months after the termination
of war, in accordance with Alnav 155-41. G.H. Juergens, Ship's clerk
While attached to and serving on board the U.S.S. Idaho (BB-42),
participated in the following operations:
* 5/11/43 to 5/15/43 - Bombardment and capture of Attu Island in
the Aleutians (Naku? Island)
8/15/43 to 8/16/43 - Bombardment and capture of Kiska Island
* 11/20/43 to 11/23/43 - Bombardment and capture of Makin Island
in the Gilbert Islands
* 1/31/44 to 2/5/44 - Bombardment and capture of Kwajalein Island
in the Marshall Group
2/20/44 to 2/21/44 Bombardment of Maloelap and Wotje Atolls in the
Marshall Islands
3/20/44 - Bombardment of Caving in the Bismarck Archipelago
* 6/14/44 to 6/15/44 - Bombardment and capture of Saipan Island
in the Marianas Group
6/16/44 Bombardment of Guam
7/12/44 o 7/26/44 - Bombardment ad capture of Guam in the Marianas
* 9/12/44 to 9/20/44 - Bombardment and capture of Palau Islands
in the Western Carolines
* 2/16/45 to 3/7/45 - Bombardment and capture of Iwo Jima Island
in the Volcano Group
* 3/16/45 to 6/20/45 - Bombardment and capture of Okinawa Shima
in the Ryukyus Group
(*) Operation for which one star is authorized R.N. Downes Comdr.
Participated in the surrender of Japan in the Tokyo Bay area on
2 September 1945 on board the USS Idaho, a unit of the third fleet.
9/21/45 - transferred this day to the staging center, Pearl Harbor,
FFT - Interviewed and does not desire to reenlist in the regular
9/15/45 has 49
points computed in accordance with ALNAV 252-45 Serving outside
continental limits of the U.S. on 3/20/44
Completed 3 years 8 months and 13 days
Entitled to wear:
Asiatic-Pacific Area Campaign Ribbon
American Area Campaign Ribbon
R.N. Downes
Thank You,
John S. Dunlap

Big Guns! Navy Training
Film on Battleship Main Gun Operation and Firing

12.07.17 - Email
from William A. Gardner
Dave: Your website
has just come to my attention, courtesy of my dear friend Roberta.
I served as
"M" Division officer on the Idaho from July 1944 thru
decommisioning in May 1946. I have several photos which may be
of interesting, including an "M" Division group with
names,one of whom could be Lester Smith.
I am 97 and
healthy, living in an independent retirement facility. All my
family has settled in NC, including son and daughter, 4 grands
and 8 great grands. To make my life the greatest, I have met Roberta
here. Our apartments are near one another, which cuts down driving
at night.
Would you like
to borrow my stuff? I am not computer literate, so would rely
on the USPS. Let me know. I think what you are doing is great.
Lt(JG) William
A Gardner, USNR
now just plain
Bill Gardner


A. Gardner Lt(lg) USNR
Shipyard - Spring 1946
Officer of the Deck (Note the sidearm)

A. Gardner Lt(lg) USNR

A. Gardner (Standing 7th from left) - Summer 1945

Idaho - July 1945 - Leyte Gulf, Phiippines
(L to
Lt (jg)
Art Karam, Lt John Longfield (Ass't Engineer Officer),
Comdr. W.C. Shofield (Engineer Officer), Ch. Mech S.O.
Drayton, Lt (jg) William A. Gardner

Idaho - In floating drydock Guam - for kamikaze damage
repair - May 1945

11.12.17 - Email
from Matt Wilmot: USS Idaho "Order of the Day 04/28/1941
I'm not sure
if you would seen have seen this document yet or not, but I wanted
to send these photos to you. I purchased this document at a yard
sale several years ago and have since had it framed. This is the
"ORDER OF THE DAY" for the USS Idaho while it was stationed
at Pearl Harbor on the date of 4/28/1941. This provides a detailed
list of duties, including names. Please let me know what you think
if you have a chance.
11.07.17 - John
J. Curley, Jr.'s Navy Ordinance book
Hi Dave. I just
came across this Naval ordinance book from my late fathers library
that you might find interesting. I noticed that on the 1st page
it was inscribed with the information in the attached photos.
My father was never on the Idaho as far as I know, but he did
serve in the Air force at the end of WWII on Okinawa as a B-29
maintenance technician. Maybe you could post the photos on the
website to see if anyone else can shed any light as to whom John
J. Curley Jr. was? He certainly had great penmanship! I ave found
a reference to that name in a Google search here.
Hope you find
this of interest.
Bill Spivey

10.11.17 - USS
Idaho Crew List
Am writing to ask you to please add my Dad to the USS Idahos
ship list on your site.
Wallace Monroe Martin (1921 - present) was on the Idaho from mid
1941, for at least most of a year. They were in Iceland when Pearl
Harbor was struck. He has always told the story of having to dump
the decking overboard, because a lot of the death/injury to the
men at Pearl Harbor came from the decking turning into shrapnel.
Dad still talks about the clear old oak, 2 inches thick laying
at the bottom of the fiord.
Dad was the Captains Talker back then (not sure
what the official title was). I also know that the Idaho was part
of the convoy for Canadian merchant ships. Dad always told about
one Canadian ship having some sort of engine issue making them
slower than convoy speed. Eventually, the convoy saw the ship
left behind get blown up by an U boat.
An aside -Based on a couple comments Dad made years ago, I think
there is a pretty good chance that the Idaho was used in the US
stationing of marines in Iceland pre-WWII.
The USS Idaho made it to Pearl Harbor one month after. Dad says
the harbor was still covered in a foot of oil. And he always complained
that when they got shore leave, the stupid officer
had ordered dress whites to be worn. By the time they got to shore,
they were all covered in oil spots. Dad griped for decades about
having to buy new dress whites, for $3!, due to that stupid officer.
Anyway, will look through his photos and send them along to you
Thank you for your site!
Becky Peck

09.21.17 - Remembering
Floyd "Toby" Reynolds
Hello, my name
is Kellie Reynolds. My Grandfather was Floyd Toby
N. Reynolds. He served on the USS Idaho from 1944-1946. I do not
know his rank or what he did on the ship. I believe he may have
been part of the gunnery crew? He is not listed on the crew roster
and I would like to have him added please. You do have a photo
on your website of him already. He is in the thread dated 11.10.11
with James Moulds. In the picture with the 4 men. My Grandpa is
the one furthest to the left with his hand in his jacket. Sadly,
my Grandpa has passed on. He passed away March 5, 2015.
Thank you for
your dedication to our service members in memorializing them.
I have attached
some photos I have of him as well.
Please let me
know any information you may have or can find regarding his rank
and what he did while on Big Spud.
Kellie Reynolds
08.08.17 - Another
shipmate added to the crew list.
My father Lester
Smith served as a Machinist Mate during WW2. I know he was on
Board in 1944 and 1945. But I don't know if he was aboard prior.
Here is a sketch of him from the time.
Gerald Smith

06.09.17 - New
mail from Craig Ricketts:
I found some of these when going through my Dads stuff after
his passing. He was on the USS Idaho at the end of the war and
was asked to design an official envelope for this special day.
Im attaching his photo, the teletype authorizing the envelopes,
and the memo to my Dad requesting he design one. I have several
of these that are post marked on the USS Idaho on VJ day (but
not addressed, that Id be honored to share with any surviving
Veterans that may like to have one. Let me know.
Best regards,
Craig Ricketts - Send


Those Who
Served: 'We were green as grass'
Mon, 10.17.16 - Paul Wood
Harold Thomas saw a kamikaze plane
up close as it rammed into the USS Idaho, and survived with only
some hearing loss.
He served in
the Marines in the South Pacific, including Okinawa and Iwo Jima.
A farm boy who
was too busy with chores to play sports at Tuscola High School,
Thomas, now 90, made it into the Marines almost by chance.
He had been
drafted into the Army right out of high school and was on his
way to serve with a couple of friends when they ran into a Marine
The recruiter
said that if they joined the Marines, the friends could stay together.
We were
green as grass, Thomas says now. He had a quota to
fill, and we never did see each other again.

- In the mail - Joe H. Adame

[Click on
images to enlarge]
05.30.16 - In the mail - "Sons of a Sailor" from Joe Bornhorst

I happen to stumble
onto your website ... Really interesting!
I am a bit familiar
with the USS Idaho as my father served on the ship ... Ralph Bornhorst.
I noticed his photo
on one of the group photos ... and I saw on the crewlist his rank is
unknown. I will seek out that data and send it to you.
He is 94 and still
lives on the farm in a small town of McCartyville, Ohio.
I have forwarded the website to him and I look forward to talking with
him soon and helping him, per your request, to submit a few stories,
photos, etc.
I do have one
photo, (see attached)
I had this painting made 15 + years
with myself (in the yellow shirt) and my two sons. Jason
(Blue shirt, and Zachary, Red shirt) ...the title of the painting..
Sons of Son of a Sailor
was selected after the famous song
written sang by Jimmy Buffet.
The flags across
the top of the painting is Navy code for BORNHORST.
I used a photo
he had received from the USS Idaho navy days.

on photo to Enlarge)
I also included a
video of his 94 the birthday celebration:
Idaho Sailor Ralph Bornhorst's 94th birthday ~
Feel free to add the photo and/ or video to the website if you feel
it has merit..
On this Memorial Day!
I would like to thank
you for having the vision to create this website
and the numnerous
hours spent assembling the stories and information. well done !
Joe Bornhorst
Son of a proud sailor!
11.11.15 - In the mail "USS Idaho Bell"
My name is SFC William
Approximately five years ago while working on a HMMV for the Marine
reserve I walked in the Naval reserve center at Gowen Field and noticed
the bell in the entry way of the USS Idaho and was blown away to see
it in person. I had read the book the thousand mile war a Bantam war
book that discussed some of the actions of the USS Idaho fighting the
Japanese on American soil in Alaska and being a fifth generation Idahoan
and being a combat veteran I studied up a bit on the USS Idaho with
supreme pride. It was to my great shock the marines there had not a
clue what they had next to their office as I had walked in their front
door to see such a great Idaho war veteran of world war two with great
excitement. They were baffled by my passion for it and I asked them
all to read up on what they had. To see it and to know some of its history
made my chest grow out with supreme pride! Hopefully the marines there
have learned from this encounter otherwise it should be moved to the
state house or the Idaho Military History Museum.
The U.S.S. Idaho and its Sailors are some of the greatest veterans
of our state!
SFC William J Brewer (RET)
11.10.15 - James M Moulds USS Idaho (1943-1946)
08.03.15 - James Dale
Sullivan recollects of times on the USS Idaho. (The News-Gazette)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

06.09.15 - Russll J. Miller
J. Miller - Chief Gunners Mate on Tartu 2 - U.S.S Idaho
Bruce Nelson
U.S.S Idaho - 8th Division 40MM
04.27.15 - Wishing
A WWII Vet A Memorable Honor Flight
Sonora, CA
Still spunky at 94, retired Mother Lode resident and World War
II vet Harry Roberson will be shortly heading aloft on a whirlwind
flight honoring his service to the nation.
The opportunity
came via a family member, who had learned of the nonprofit Honor
Flight groups mission to provide veterans, particularly
those remaining survivors of WWII, to reflect and visit at their
memorials and reminisce with their contemporaries. The veterans
are transported with guardians via chartered flights that are
accompanied by medical staff. Robersons flight will be departing
from Fresno Airport on April 27; accompanying him on the two-day
tour will be grandson-in-law and amateur WWII historian Tony Cunha.

Harry Roberson,
USMC - USS Idaho
Dec 1940 -Dec 19

Zone: The Hell on Earth That Was Iwo Jima
By Suzy Hopkins
a wind-whipped morning in February 1945, 24-year-old Marine
Sgt. Harry Roberson hunkered in a half-track churning
across a black-sand beach at the base of Mt. Suribachi,
his pulse racing.
and fellow soldiers in the 3rd Marine Division had already
fought the Japanese on Guam, 700 miles to the south. But
for Roberson, that jungle fight would pale in comparison
to what lay ahead on the tiny volcanic island of Iwo Jima
Sulfur Island.
Marines mission: seize the island and its three
airfields from the Japanese, who used it to launch kamikaze
raids. In the critical final months of the war, the newly
captured Iwo Jima would prove to be a strategic U.S. base
for attacks on mainland Japan and serve as a lifesaving
landing site for crippled U.S. bombers. [Read
Francis M. Toale,
97, of Independence Iowa died February 8, 2015 at the ABCM Rehabilitation
Centers East Campus in Independence, Iowa.
Funeral services
will be held at 11 AM, Thursday at St. Johns Catholic Church,
Independence, Iowa with Msgr. Thomas Toale presiding. Burial will
be in the St. Johns Cemetery, Independence, IA. Friends may
call from 3 to 8 PM Wednesday at the Reiff Funeral Home & Crematory,
Independence, IA, and from 9 AM till services Thursday at St. Johns
Church. A parish wake service will be held at 3 PM followed with
a rosary at 4PM and a military memorial service will be held at
7PM Wednesday at the funeral home.
Francis was born
on December 20, 1917 in Independence, Iowa the son of Mark and Teresa
(Gibbons) Toale. He attended country school, and later served in
the US Navy on the battleship USS Idaho from 1942-1945. He was proud
of his service to his country. He was very active in the local community
having been past VFW commander and American Legion. He proudly traveled
in the Honor Flight to Washington DC in May 2010.
Francis was a
lifelong farmer on his family farm and had been an Iowa Master Farmer,
and a Master Pork Producer. Other community involvement included
being a 4-H leader, township trustee, and ASCS board member. He
was a member of St. Johns Catholic Church in Independence,
served on numerous councils and boards, and was a member of the
Catholic Order of Foresters.
He married Clara
Ramona DePaepe on April 28, 1947 in Independence, Iowa.
He is survived
by his wife Clara, six children Rosemary (Ron) Engelhardt of Elkader,
IA, Richard (Ann) Toale of Independence, IA, Roger Toale of California,
Msgr. Thomas of Dubuque, IA, Don (Marty) Toale of Independence,
IA, Sue (Tom) Knapp of Des Moines. IA, 18 grandchildren and 35 great
He was preceded
in death by his parents and a sister Eileen DePaepe.
Memorials may
be directed to the Francis M. Toale Memorial Fund, % BankIowa, 231
1st Street E., Independence, IA 50644

Hi Dave,
Our father, William
M. Klein, served on the USS Idaho from February 1943 to November 1945.
Along with our keeping a trove of his wartime personal letters to his
family and memories of his rare stories of his service during our childhood,
we were of late excited to read his name on the ships logs, as
captured in William Schumann's The Big Spud, on pages 164,
174, 196 and 214. Dad was assigned as an ensign, promoted shortly thereafter
to lieutenant and sometime near his discharge, lt. commander. He returned
to his home town of Kansas City, MO and married Audree Milgram in 1951,
with whom he raised four sons. He continued a life of civil service
in committing his time to countless community organizations and led
Milgram Food Stores, a midwest grocery chain, as its CEO and then Chairman
of the Board, until his death in 1979.
After years of periodically searching the web and family scrapbooks
for mementos of our fathers service, its been a thrill to
find and pour through the USS Idaho Pride website and as a result, view
a photo of Dad on duty. As well as we can determine and with a good
amount of certainty, he is second row from front, second man from left
in a large group photo shown in the May 19, 2007 Bulletin Board posting,
sent by Mike Swift, link: http://www.nrvhost.com/uss_idaho/05-19-07.html.
We would deeply appreciate the opportunity to have Dad listed among
his fellow crewmen on the USS Idaho Pride Crew Members page.
Thanks to you and
all those responsible for USS Idaho Pride" for the thought
and effort that has made it possible to connect us more closely to one
the most remarkable and least seen endeavors of our father's life, and
to have a fuller perspective of what makes us so proud and humble as
descendants of these Americans.
Best regards,
Nat Klein, La Jolla,
Jim Klein, Overland
Park, KS
Rob Klein, Needham,
John (Jack) Van Horn's
personal diary
Many thanks to Jack's son, (Jim Johandes) for sharing ~

Joseph M. Jesse
To you who
answered the call of your country and served in its Armed Forces
to bring about the total defeat of the enemy, I extend the heartfelt
thanks of a grateful Nation. As one of the Nation's finest, you
undertook the most severe task one can be called upon to perform.
Because you demonstrated the fortitude, resourcefullness and calm
judgement necessary to carry out that task, we now look to you
for leadership and example in further exalting our country in
~ Harry Truman

~ Jesse Lee Batson
Obituary ~
(Nov 28, 2013)

- John
Frank Jaroszewski (USS Idaho 1919 - 1923)

(Click on images
to enlarge)
John Frank
John Frank Jaroszewski (1919 - 1923)
Dear Sir,
While doing some
research for my son, a DC2 on the USS Wayne E Meyer, regarding his
great-grandfather, I ran across your USS Idaho website.
My son was asking
for me to figure out what ship his great-grandfather was on when
a picture of him was taken on deck while in port in Hong Kong.
I have Grandpa
Jaroszewski's Continuous Service Certificate and the Idaho was his
first ship. He was assigned to the Idaho on June 30, 1919 with Rate
at enlistement of "A.S." on July 1, 1919 the next day
his Rate of Enlistment was "Sea 2c". He would be leave
the Idaho a "Sea 1c" on July 15, 1921 and join the USS
Wyoming on Sept 30, 1921.
On his Continuous
Certificate Record, it lists him as "JOHN FRANK JAROSEFSKI"
However, the family spelling of the last name is Jaroszewski. He
entered the service on Feb 10, 1919 and was honorably discharged
on Jan 18, 1936 at the rate of SF1c. Grandpa J was recalled to active
duty on April 6, 1942 and finally retired on Sept 10, 1945 as a
Chief Ship Fitter.
I know my husband's
family would love for him to be included on the USS Idaho's crew
I've included
a picture of Grandpa J in Hong Kong and a copy of the page showing
his service on the USS Idaho.
Thank you for
your consideration.
Kathe Gunther


Jack Van Horn, Top row fourth
from left.

- John
(Jack) Van Horn
My name is
Jim Johandes. My father John (Jack) Van Horn served aboard the Idaho
during WWII. If you would like an interesting story of the USS Idaho
... click on the photo below!


February 11, 2014 ~
Mail Call from the Crew
* Photo Albums of Ryle Johnson
Many thanks to 95-yr
old USS Idaho crew member, Ryle Johnson, for sharing his photo albums.
I called him a couple of months ago and he and his brother had just
taken a cruise together to celebrate his brother's 100th birthday. It's
always great to hear from one of the crew of the "Big Spud".
I still receive about 10 or more emails a month from family and friends
of the USS Idaho crew, but when I get to chat with the ones who served
our country in WWII, it really makes my day.
I just received this
special email in regard to John Huey who not only served on the USS
Idaho, but helped build it when he worked in the naval ship yard before
joining the US Navy. Tom Williams writes:
man at our VFW was on the Idaho but doesn't show up on the crew list.
He was a
GM2c on a fifty caliber. He served onboard in 44, 45, and 46. He carries
a purple heart from Okinawa. John is 87. Thank you in advance for
your help getting him on the crew list.
John worked on the Idaho before joining the Navy, as a welder. He
welded his initials on the bow below the water line. After boot camp,
he was assigned to the same ship. His shipmates didn't believe him
till BB42 went to dry dock after Okinawa and he showed them the "J.H"
on the hull. He also has pic's of the air assault at Okinawa. Thanks
for your efforts, he will be pleased to see his name on the shipmate
roster .. he thinks no one cares about "The Old Guys" anymore.
Thanks, Tom
Post Commander VFW 7622
New Florence, PA 15944
I hope Tom will show
John that his name is now on the USS Idaho Crew List and he will know
that "The Old Guys" are not forgotten. - Dave

I also just received
an email from a friend of shipmate, Tom Morales, GM2c from 40-45. Tom
is in hospice care at his home at this time. If anyone would like to
contact Tom, they can SEND
AN EMAIL to Annette Morales(Tom's daughter). Our thoughts and prayers
go out for Tom and his family and wish him all the best.

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